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1 Locker  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 8:33:51am

Thank you for this one. Great post.

2 Tigger2  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 9:43:18am

If it was a test I'm sure Romney would flunk.

3 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 10:44:24am

It's worth reading the whole thing. The Romney campaign gave surprisingly long answers. Not that it necessarily makes them good answers.

On climate change Romney says he believes that the earth is warming and humans are causing it, but with typically weaselly language. And then goes on to say that he thinks it would cost too much to address and it would be futile anyway because of China. As if the technologies we develop wouldn't also give us an economic edge after peak oil.

I liked Maggie Koerth-Baker's comments and how she relates this to the sulfur dioxide cap and trade.

4 dragonfire1981  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 10:57:43am

Firstly I highly, HIGHLY doubt these answers came from Romney himself.

Secondly I love this section of the Romney response under the "energy" question, which I have amended with my own commentary:

I have put forward a six-part plan for achieving these goals. First, I will empower states to control onshore energy development (DRILLING!), including on federal lands within their borders. Second, I will open offshore areas to development (DRILLING!). Third, I will pursue a North American Energy Partnership so that America can benefit from the resources of its neighbors. Fourth, I will ensure accurate assessment of the nation’s energy resources by updating decades-old surveys that do not reflect modern technological capabilities (MORE POWERFUL DRILLS!). Fifth, I will restore transparency and fairness to permitting and regulation. And sixth, I will facilitate private-sector-led development of new energy technologies.(MORE DRILLING!)

Also, no questions on evolution...interesting.

5 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 11:13:33am

re: #4 dragonfire1981

Also, no questions on evolution...interesting.

Yeah, that's a strange omission indeed.

6 TDG2112  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 11:15:14am

I read this yesterday.

The thing about Romney's responses is he (or his campaign assistant or whatever) works some serious overtime to squeeze in Obama sucks and is doing a terrible job. Obama's answers were instead short and didn't bother with any such nonsense. I was a clear case of shorter is better. Romney tires to answer intelligently until he gets to actual policy, at which point he declares reduce gov't because the private sector will fix all the science problems.

Both talk about NASA (I'm a single issue kind of guy and NASA is the most important aspect of my focus on science) but neither would give any money to it. Romney says it clearly: No more money, period. Just targeted focus nonsense we've been getting for decades. The fact that Ryan slashes NASA kills the Republican ticket for me.

7 Bob Dillon  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 9:18:37pm

re: #1 Locker

Thank you for this one. Great post.

You are quite welcome.

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